Sermons on Genesis
The Sum of It All (Trinity Sunday)
Our final sermon in our study of Genesis is the conclusion of the life of Abraham in chapter 25.
What Are You Worth?
(Pentecost Sunday)
What Are You Worth? Today our continuing look at the book of Genesis gives us a portrait of marriage with Isaac and Rebekah.
Beauty in Sacrifice
(7th Sunday of Easter)
Beauty in Sacrifice The basis for the message today is from our continuing study of the book of Genesis, today, continuing in chapter 23 with the death of Sarah.
I Have Called You Friends
(6th Sunday of Easter)
I Have Called You Friends Todays text is from Genesis 24, the first half of Abraham sending Eliezer to find a wife for his son Isaac.
Testing Is Training
(5th Sunday of Easter)
The basis for the sermon is from our continuing look at Genesis, today in chapter 22 in God testing Abraham.
Good Shepherd, Even the Bad
(4th Sunday of Easter)
The sermon is from our continuing study of Genesis, today in Chapter 21:8-21 addressing Hagar and Ishmael.
Promise Made Flesh
(2nd Sunday of Easter)
Promise Made Flesh The basis for the sermon is from our continuing look at the book of Genesis, today in Chapter 21:1-7, the account of the birth of Isaac to Abraham and Sarah.
Promises Made, Promises Kept
Promises Made, Promises Kept The message for Maundy Thursday is from our continuing look at Genesis, today in Chapter 18 and the account of the three visitors.
God Made Me Rich (Lent 3)
God Made Me Rich The basis for the sermon is from our continuing look at Genesis, today, in chapter 14.
A Reflection of Christ (Lent 2)
The sermon for today is based off of our continuing study of Genesis in chapter 13.