I am very blessed to serve as pastor of both Ascension Lutheran Church and Pinehurst Lutheran Church here in beautiful Eau Claire, WI. I am a bi-vocational pastor, which just means that at the same time that I serve as pastor, I also have another full-time career, which is teaching general music and choral music in the Alma Center school district just before Black River Falls. While balancing pastoral ministry with a full-time music teaching position is challenging, it is also rewarding! I get to lead by example letting my Christian light shine where I work while also being respectful of my workplace and the people in it, which is a challenge that every Christian needs to embrace.
I am by nature an optimist, not just because I’m Christian, but also because my grandma, an eternal optimist, poured her optimism into my life. In my optimism, I have seen nothing but opportunities since I started serving Ascension and Pinehurst. Two different locations are an excellent opportunity! This means our congregations have two different communities immediately surrounding their buildings in which to form relationships. Currently, I serve just over half-time; what an opportunity! This leads every member to consider their part in bringing Christ to our communities because we collectively have so much more ministry hours to offer together!
Ascension has 11 acres of land that needs to be maintained, but is also an incredible gift to share with our community! In my first month of ministry, we had opportunities run over! Our church attendance immediately increased. Our maintenance on our buildings and properties immediately received more attention. Architectural plans for almost 30 years were dusted off and brought back for members to consider in expanding one of our buildings and its accessibility. Invites brought people onto our campuses who have never set foot on them before. Music filled our worship services that have been in the hymnals in our pews for a long time but never used. Opportunity and opportunity, plans and more plans for God to bless; I am thankful for all of these things.
We all have different vocations/roles in life to balance. I balance being a pastor, a father, a husband, a teacher, dean of the Chippewa Valley Chapter of the American Guild of Organists, a musician, a composer, and an organ recitalist; in all of these things is the call of our Savior Jesus to “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all of these things will be added to you as well.” No matter how many roles and opportunities I have, I am above all, so basically, just a child of God for whom Jesus died on the cross. He died for you too, “once for all,” and I confidently pray that once you have given me the opportunity to meet you, I’ll have the opportunity to show you what Jesus has done for you.
With much warmth in Christ,
Pastor Lloyd Harter